Ktesios SOCIMI

Ktesios SOCIMI investment strategy

At RKS AM we know, structure and manage optimal real estate investment vehicles.
We design comprehensive strategies that encompass the entire real estate investment cycle, from product identification, valuation and management to divestment.

In 2016 RKS-AM launched the RKS Real Estate Fund, domiciled in Luxembourg, in 2019, Ktesios SOCIMI, listed on BME Growth of which it is Asset Manager & Property Manager and in 2023 Ktesios SOCIMI takes control of 99.93% of the shares of Quid Pro Quo Alquiler Seguro Socimi.

Investment strategy designed for Ktesios SOCIMI

Coin icon

Investment in non-prime stocks without institutional competition, which offer higher profitability.

Roller icon

Assets concentrated in the same building allow for resource optimization and cost containment.

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High diversification and long-term leases with default insurance.

Icon Logalization

Social impact with investment in peripheral areas and affordable rents.

Building icon

No exposure to developer risk, completed homes and with LPO.

Coin icon

Profitability analysis based on long term rental.

Investment in non-prime stocks

Investment in non-prime stocks without institutional competition, which offer higher profitability.

Assets concentrated in the same building allow for resource optimization and cost containment.

High diversification and long-term leases with default insurance.

High diversification and long-term leases with default insurance.

Financial management

Social impact with investment in non-prime areas and affordable rents.

No development risk

No exposure to developer risk, completed homes and with LPO.

Marketing management

Profitability analysis based on long term rental.

Optimization in the acquisition of real estate

Optimization in the acquisition of real estate resulting in very attractive returns.

Social impact

Positive social impact for working family units in peripheral locations with affordable rents.

Assets concentrated in the same location

Assets concentrated in the same location to optimize resources.

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